Reby Hardy And Hurricane Claim Jeff Jarrett Is Lying, Hardy says there was an agreement last week

Jeff Jarrett recently said in a teleconference that there is no deal in place for the Hardys to get their Broken Gimmick back. When this news broke it disappointed a lot of people. But as with everything in pro wrestling, there were people wondering if they were being worked.

Matt Hardy’s lovely wife Reby isn’t someone you would ever want to get angry. If for any reason because she knows how to use Twitter. Reby has gone off in the past about this very issue and she’s obviously not shy to have another go at it.

As soon as she heard what Jeff Jarrett said she was quick to jump on Twitter to dispute Double J’s comments.

When the Hardys were first having their issues with Impact Wrestling concerning the use of the Broken Universe Reby devised a genius way to profit from the situation. She made up some t-shirts that simply said “F-ck that owl” in the middle of a design that looked like the Anthem-owned Impact Wrestling logo. Those shirts sold like hotcakes.

Reby was quick to say she was getting another order of the popular shirts ready for a second round of shipments ASAP.

Then Hurricane decided to weigh in on the situation. Gregory “Hurricane” Helms recently parted ways with Impact Wrestling (who changed the name of the company to GFW shortly thereafter). Needless to say, he doesn’t have the best opinion of Jeff Jarrett or anything he says.

After that Reby went on somewhat of a mini-rant but it’s actually tame when comparing it to some of her previous social media venting sessions.

There’s been a ton of wrestling news within the last 24 hours. If you would like to catch up on some of the top news stories, check out the links below:

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