Ric Flair wins Valentine’s Day this year with incredible gift


Only a kiss stealing, wheelin dealin’, limousine riding, jet flying son of a gun like Ric Flair could pull something like this off.

Flair recently came off of one of the hardest times in his life as he escaped a horrible medical issue but is now strutting around looking as good as ever. He’s loving life and obviously doing everything all out just like always.

And of course, Ric Flair’s over-the-top approach to everything also includes Valentine’s Day.

Ric Flair bought his girlfriend Wendy one dozen solid gold roses. It is not only an amazing gift but also makes any guy who sprung for actual flowers seem just a little second rate. But don’t feel bad if you just did flowers this year because it’s hard to top the Nature Boy when he’s on his game.

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