Stone Cold Steve Austin seen serving food at restaurant in Nevada

A clip of Stone Cold Steve Austin is going around online of him serving food at a restaurant, and no, he’s not working there.

The WWE Hall Of Famer was recently filming a new TV project. In the video, you can see there is a film crew in the restaurant with him. It was shot at “Burger Me” in Reno, Nevada. Check it out:

Actor Ben Affleck recently did something like this when he served drinks and food at a Dunkin’ Donuts earlier this week with a camera crew filming footage for a TV project.

Austin also popped up on the local news for a weather segment: 

Austin successfully returned to WrestleMania 38 last year when he defeated Kevin Owens. As previously reported, Austin is said to be willing to listen to any proposals at WrestleMania 39 in April and is looking jacked.

Austin has been documenting his progress in getting into better shape on social media. 

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