Triple H invites Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather to appear on Raw

WWE is always looking to bring more eyes to their product. This is the reason they took the huge gamble of having Howard Stern’s Wack Pack, the Balls, and a litany of another awkward and unpredictable celebrity guests on WWE’s live television shows. So naturally, when Triple H saw the opportunity to throw out an invite to two of the biggest fighters on the planet before one of the biggest fights of all time, he jumped on it.

During the press conference hyping their upcoming fight in August, Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather were having technical issues. Conor McGregor was especially having some trouble with his microphone near the end of his press conference. You can watch the whole thing here to see what we’re talking about. It was a pretty bad technical mess up on a big stage.

Triple H has already made an offer to Conor McGregor and Floyd Mayweather to come on Raw and hash out their differences. That was really nice of him considering the fact it might be one of the highest rated segments of Raw ever. But since this technical glitch marred McGregor and Mayweather’s most recent attempt at a debate Triple H felt like he needed to throw his hat in the ring again.

The Game pointed out the fact that WWE has plenty of working microphones. After all, if WWE is able to have enough microphones to facilitate a segment where every woman in the Money In The Bank Ladder match has a live mic then we’re sure they could handle McGregor and Mayweather.

Only time will tell if they take Triple H up on his gracious invite. It would be awesome if they did though and we have a feeling the replays on Sports Center the next day would only be the cherry on top of their sundae of amazing ratings.

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