For those of you that missed it, WWE has posted some highlights of the Royal Rumble online. If you missed Rey Mysterio’s return then you can check it out in the video below. Mysterio looked great and moved around like he did many years ago. I would be shocked if he wasn’t offered a deal to return full-time. The word on him is that a deal was reached just a few days ago to get him in the men’s Royal Rumble match but, as of now, that was just a one-time deal and he is not scheduled back on TV. Mysterio was recently in talks with Impact Wrestling.
Mysterio reacts to his surprise return at the Royal Rumble:
The Hurricane comments on his return at the Royal Rumble:
Click here if you want to see clips of the return of Trish Straus and Ronda Rousey’s surprise appearance after the women’s Royal Rumble match.
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