WATCH: Some kid jumped up and slapped Alexa Bliss’ butt at a recent WWE live show

Update: In no way are we condoning the actions of the young boy in this video. In fact, he’s lucky he wasn’t charged with some kind of assault. Since this story broke there have been several people on both sides of the fence about this subject. While some saw it as harmless fun because Bliss and Nia Jax were seen laughing about this incident by some fans, others have a differing opinion.  The fact is if this was a man rather than a young boy the story would be much different.

It is important to realize there are boundaries and those should be respected no matter what social situation you’re in. It is inappropriate to touch someone in this manner without consent. But the clip is what it is. As one reader who wrote me eloquently pointed out: “This behavior shouldn’t be normalized, celebrated, or encouraged in any way. It’s disrespectful not just to the specific woman in question, that being Alexa, but also towards women in general. It essentially teaches men and boys that it’s alright to touch women without their consent, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, try not to be offended by the article below.

Original: We’ve seen a lot in the world of wrestling. Some things happen that are absolutely disgusting and other things just leave us impressed. This is a grand combination of both of those feelings.

At a recent WWE house show Nia Jax was carrying Alexa Bliss toward the exit after a match. The two have been doing that kind of spot since they’ve been paired together. But on this night things didn’t turn out as they would have planned.

Call this kid Edge with a Money In The Bank briefcase because he’s the ultimate opportunist. He saw a brass ring in front of him and jumped up to grab it. Also, by brass ring, we mean Alexa Bliss’s famous perfect backside.

Just like an RKO, this kid jumped up outta nowhere and smacked Alexa Bliss’ rear end. Nia Jax obviously knew something was awry because she immediately turned Little Miss Bliss around. But it was too late because one young fan still got himself a handful of Bliss.

Buddy Murphy might have some competition with kids like this at ringside.

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