When Daniel Bryan was cleared for WWE return and how much he’ll be working

Daniel Byran’s WWE return is sure to be a triumphant one. He will plausibly make his in-ring return inside the same building where he picked up the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania XXX. Now he is set to wrestle once more and plenty of people are extremely excited.

“The whole angle that started with Owens and Zayn, they were looking at this I’d say going back a couple weeks it’s been expected,” Dave Meltzer said on Wrestling Observer Radio. “Like what Daniel Bryan said the other day, there was a backup plan if it didn’t happen.”

“He’s been trying to get cleared for years and he did this treatment stuff we talked about, hyperbaric chamber in Florida he had visit after visit, he was improving he said. He did well on tests. He went to Maroon who would not clear him and he said ‘what can I do?'”

Afterward, Daniel Bryan asked Dr. Maroon to point him toward the experts in the field and he sought out their opinion.

“So he was doing that,” Meltzer continued, “he was cleared by the University Of Michigan doctors I’m gonna guess this is, it was over a month ago because that’s when I really first heard this thing was in play but you know it was not a done deal at the time. And then he did two more.”

Those extra doctors certainly helped Daniel Bryan along because as it turns out their opinions helped sway Dr. Maroon’s mind.

Meltzer noted he heard the news of Daneil Bryan’s return but figured they were going to announce it on SmackDown Live. WWE obviously decided to make this exciting announcement early and it was to a sea of happy fans.

“He is free and clear to wrestle however much they want to use him and however much he wants to be used,” Meltzer continued as he said that fans will probably be hearing more about what kind of schedule Byran wants to work. “The plan is for him to tag with Shane McMahon or at least that’s the plan on Sunday and Monday. So there were people who knew last night at Raw that he was going to be in the match so the deal… the clearance probably happened yesterday.”

Therefore it looks like the match will be Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn at WrestleMania 34.

Dave Meltzer said Daniel Bryan was talking about doing a part-time schedule looking closer to 60 dates a year rather than 200 dates a year when he was considering the indie scene which would certainly be easier on his body. It’s too early at this point to tell what WWE is doing but it was also noted by Meltzer that it is doubtful Daniel Bryan would take off to the indies at this point since he’s been cleared to return.

The hyperbaric chamber treatments certainly look like they did the trick although Meltzer noted he was actually cleared to compete before the hyperbaric treatments by a few people. But all that really matters is Daniel Bryan is finally cleared to compete once more.

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News from The Wrestling Observer website was used in this post. For more on this story please visit WrestlingObserver.com. Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez’ WrestlingObserver.com is the leading source for professional wrestling news. Click here for subscription information. Members get exclusive access to insider news from Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez, daily audio shows, breaking news audio, the Wrestling Observer newsletter, newsletter archives, thousands of hours of archived radio shows, and more.

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