Why was The Undertaker in NYC during SummerSlam weekend?

The internet was buzzing with speculation on what The Undertaker was doing in New York City during SummerSlam weekend. There was tons speculation that he could interfere in the Fatal 4-Way main event. Others speculated that he would show up on Monday Night Raw. Although Taker was in NYC and his wife Michelle McCool was backstage at SummerSlam,  Taker was apparently nowhere near the arena.

On the latest Dinner With The King podcast, Jerry “The King” Lawler said that he did not see Taker backstage but he may have figured out why he was in NYC:

“I did not see or hear him mentioned at all [backstage at SummerSlam]. I dress in the talent relations room where at one point or another everybody on the card came through that room and I never saw him. But you know what? Here’s something that I just realized. He may have been there because they were doing scans for a new game. Everybody that was on the show that night, myself included, had to be scanned. This company, it’s not the 2K people, it’s a different game that’s gonna be coming out next year. So everybody had to have their face scans and their body scans.”

That makes sense. It’s worth noting that Taker is not officially retired and, once again, during SummerSlam, Michael Cole made a point to say that Roman Reigns MAY HAVE retired The Undertaker at WrestleMania. Is he really retired? We don’t know but we should know in a few months when WrestleMania season kicks off. Listen to Lawler’s comments on The Undertaker below:

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If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit Dinner With The King with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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