Andrade warned two big free agents about signing with WWE

Rush recently signed with Ring Of Honor after getting a nice contract offer but he may have considered WWE if he didn’t get a warning from a current SmackDown Live Superstar.

Andrade is close with ROH star Rush and CMLL star Dragon Lee and he let them know that WWE is not “what it was cracked up to be.” Basically, you are unlikely to get a top spot in the company unless you are someone that Vince McMahon likes. It’s much harder these days because the roster is so crowded.

It’s no secret that Andrade was considering quitting the company while in NXT but things turned around for him and he got a main event-level push.

Things started slow for him on the main roster but, perhaps to keep him from requesting his release, WWE has been giving him a nice push in recent weeks with his program with Rey Mysterio.

As we’ve been saying for weeks, WWE has started to give pushes to people who they know are unhappy and those who have options when their contracts expire. All Elite Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ring Of Honor are now paying more money to sign talented wrestlers and WWE is aware of this.

For what it’s worth, Dragon Lee is the next name rumored to be signing with Ring Of Honor.

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