Booker T On Je’Von Evans Botched RKO Spot: “All The Haters Online That’s Giving This Kid Hate, They Wish They Were As Talented As This Kid”

Last week’s episode of WWE NXT on The CW was a huge success and the hope among people in the company is that they do more shows on the road. While speaking on the “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T talked about the first two NXT episodes on the CW Network taking place on the road:

“It had such a great atmosphere and a great wrestling feel to it. I hope we do more places like that. I think it held like 2,500 to 3,000 people. It was sold out to the rafters. I tell you, the fans were there from match one all the way to the end, so I’m looking forward to taking NXT on the road and having a few more experiences like that. Hopefully we’ll be able to do more. I think doing buildings like that, because the thing is, you can go and try and get one of these 8,000 seat arenas, and then next thing you put three or 4,000 people in. You gotta dark it out and cut half of it off. You’re losing money that way. I think doing these arenas, you have no chance of losing money. You might break even, but you have no chance of losing money. The experience that these guys, these NXT guys and NIL talent is going to get more than anything is to be able to work in front of that crowd that’s not in tune to everything that’s going on. You got to give them something in order for them to give you something. Being able to go to places like St Louis, Philadelphia, New York, you’re going to get the real raw feeling from that crowd so you better be ready to go out there and perform. I think you could only learn from these experiences. So for me, I’m loving what Shawn Michaels is trying to do with these guys.”

Je’Von Evans had an impressive showing against Randy Orton in the main event last Tuesday but he got some heat from fans who blamed him for botching the first RKO spot. 

“He was in a high pressure situation going out there working with somebody like Randy Orton, a major player, a guy that is pretty much giving you the rub. Do I agree with the backlash? No, I don’t. Are you going to make mistakes in a match? Yeah? Was the finish flawless like people were expecting it to be? No, it wasn’t, but is that one mistake going to be a setback for this kid? I don’t think so at all. All the haters online that’s giving this kid hate, they wish they were as talented as this kid. They wish they could do what this young man could do and go out there and do it on a nightly basis. It’s easy to have Twitter fingers and talk about somebody else when you’re at home sitting on your sofa eating a bag of chips, some donuts and a gallon of milk.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Hall of Fame with Booker T & Brad Gilmore with a h/t to for the transcription.

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