Details on the future of Chris Jericho’s podcast

We’ve been keeping up with Chris Jericho’s actions pretty closely as he heads toward one of the biggest matches of his career at Wrestle Kingdom 12. He’s been doing very well for himself and even claims to have outsold The Young Bucks in t-shirt sales at Hot Topic with his new “Alpha Club” shirt. If you add in the success of his band Fozzy, then this is certainly a great time for Y2J.

It’s a pretty exciting time for Jericho all around and it turns out his pro wrestling career isn’t the only thing that’s moving locations because his podcast is also finding a new home as well. The Ayatollah Of Rock n Rolla recently posted to his Instagram proclaiming his Talk Is Jericho podcast now has a new home after parting ways with Podcast One.

Now Jericho can be heard on Westwood One. Not only are all of his new shows going to be on the service, but every previous episode is available as well.

So if you want to fill your day with the Gift Of Jericho on your way to Wrestle Kingdom, then now you know where to look.

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