Why Tommy Dreamer rescheduled cancer surgery to work for WWE

Tommy Dreamer is a hardcore legend and he really proved how hardcore he really is in 2012 when he went beyond the call of duty. The saying he always seems to go by is: “put wrestling first.” But that strategy almost didn’t work out for the best when he had to put off getting skin cancer surgery in order to attend the 2012 Slammy Awards.

But in the end it all strangely worked out for the best because Dreamer used this situation to his benefit.

Dreamer called in to E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness recently where he went into the entire story.

“I go to the dermatologist and it turns out that I have skin cancer and it was the bad kind,” Tommy Dreamer said. “So I’m like ‘what are you gonna do?’ And they said ‘we gotta take cells out’ they scrape it and they get the results. And when you hear that you have cancer it really does hit ya hard. So I’m hardcore and I can beat anything in my mind I’m like ‘alright, now what?’  You know you get scared.”

“I was picturing how I was […] and I was pretty calm about it because my father was a lifeguard for summer jobs and he had skin cancer. So they go in and they cut it out — whatever. So I schedule this appointment that’s not a month that you have to wait. So now you say to yourself, whoa I have they tell me I have a basal cell or something like that, carcinoma and you gotta get it taken out. But now I gotta wait a month so I’m like ‘alright I’ll wait a month.'”

“I go, I wait my month now here’s where I have to say: ‘what is wrong with Tommy Dreamer?’ At the same time I’m supposed to get my skin cancer WWE calls me and tells me we have to go back — they want me to come to Philly for the Slammys and I’m like ‘okay, wrestling first.’ I go calling up my up my doctor’s appointment and going ‘hey I can’t do this’ and they’re like ‘uh okay, well we actually have an opening the next day’ — alright we’ll see where it goes.”

“So I go, I do the thing and I actually — I got jumped by The Shield it was kinda their first thing going together I guess. And so right away I’m pitching an idea that I really wanted to work with The Shield because I saw a lot in them just as much as WWE did and I figured hey, it’s a good way to get some steam on these young kids. And I was able to go get my thing cut out of my head and that was also where The Shield had posted they ran me into a door and then online I was posting pictures of ‘hey look what The Shield did to me,’ all this stuff. And that was actually because I was able to get my cancer cut out of my head and it was real, real big it was like a softball on my head and even WWE officials top brass was like ‘hey what happened to you?’ And I was working them, I was like ‘The Shield did all that stuff’ ha ha ha.”

So if you remember seeing those pictures of Tommy Dreamer’s bloody head after The Shield jumped him in 2012 now we know the real story. One thing’s for sure, Tommy Dreamer has given a new meaning to the word “hardcore” once again.

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If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit E&C’s Pod of Awesomeness with a H/T to WrestlingNews.co for the transcription

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