If Vince McMahon didn’t like Ultimate Deletion, Matt Hardy has some words for him

Once again, Matt Hardy is ahead of the curve when it comes to self-promotion. This time he’s getting some promotion for his boss and he’s capitalizing on the speculation that Vince McMahon was not a fan of The Ultimate Deletions segment that closed out this week’s Monday Night Raw.

Hardy told TMZ Sports, “If McMahon has any issues with it, I certainly have a spot here at The Hardy Compound where I can DELETE him!”

McMahon should watch out because Matt Hardy is not the only person looking to end Meekmahan’s reign. Hardy added, “Señor Benjamin would love to start digging a hole for him.”

Hardy feels like this is just the beginning. Mick Foley made a cameo appearance and he said that he liked Ultimate Deletion but added, “I wonder what Mr. McMahon thinks. He is either going to hate this beyond words and there will be firings or he is going to think it’s one of the greatest things he’s ever seen.”

It’s hard to argue with the social media numbers for Ultimate Deletion. The segment was trending on Twitter and WWE must be thrilled with the views on YouTube.

Listen to Hardy’s comments below:

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