Is Chris Jericho done with New Japan Pro Wrestling?

It was very exciting to see Chris Jericho jump ship over to New Japan Pro Wrestling for an outstanding match against Kenny Omega. But if what Y2J just said is correct then the only time we’ll be able to see him lock up with other NJPW talent is if it’s actually on a ship, specifically his Rock n Wrestling Rager At Sea.

Although shortly after his outstanding contest against Kenny Omega at Wrestle Kingdom 12 he jumped Tetsuya Naito at New Year’s Dash, Jericho has been somewhat silent about NJPW except to announce the huge stars who are appearing on his cruise.

The fact is that Jericho is extremely busy and his band Fozzy is picking up some huge steam that seems to only be growing. YJ2 was able to show up at Raw 25 for a short backstage segment with Elias but it’s very hard to fit anything else into his whirlwind travel schedule where he keeps rocking people’s faces off at packed shows.

One fan recently asked Jericho if he was done with New Japan and the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla replied in succinct form. Let’s hope he’s kayfabing us here as he tends to do. After all, you never know where Jericho will show up next. But it wouldn’t be a huge surprise if Jericho’s NJPW tenure was a one-and-done this time around due to all of the other irons he has in the fire.

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