Mainstream media outlets pick up on Roman Reigns-steroid dealer story (updated)

UPDATE: Click here to read Roman Reigns’ statement.

ORIGINAL: The Roman Reigns-steroid connection story is not going away and WWE is probably not happy about mainstream outlets picking up on it.

Both TMZ and the New York Daily News have picked up on the claim by dealer Richard Rodriguez. As we noted on Tuesday night, Rodriguez namedropped Reigns, Mark Wahlberg and Josh Duhamel as some of his clients. Rodriguez, who is currently incarcerated after his gym was raided last February, said that the people he named used aliases when they purchased steroids from him.

It’s unclear if WWE plans to address the claims. If they decide that this warrants a suspension for violating their wellness policy, then this would mean that he would be out for 60 days since it would be his second wellness violation (the first was reportedly for Adderall). The timing would be horrible becasue Reigns will be a key part of WrestleMania and he would need to be on TV every week to hype the show. In 2017, 10 wrestlers were suspended after it was learned that they were on a client list for Florida-based Signature Pharmacy so it’s very possible that WWE will take action here.

We’ve reached out to WWE for a comment on this story. We’ll post an update if we hear back.

FYI, click here if you want to listen to what Rodriguez said about Reigns.

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