Macho Man Randy Savage entertained millions during his time on this earth and he is sadly no longer with us to enjoy everything he did in the ring. But thankfully, much of his greatest work in the ring was recorded so generations can watch and relive the amazing matches he brought to us.
WWE owns a great deal of what Savage did in the ring so they have comprised a collection called “Randy Savage Unreleased: The Unseen Matches of the Macho Man” and plan to put it out shortly.
On hand to talk about the matches were Bayley, DDP, Corey Graves, and Sean Mooney. Each one of them was there for a different reason and it was great to see Sean Mooney was a part of it especially.
It looks like everyone had a great time hanging out and talking Macho Man madness.
RT Had a Great time telling #RandyMachoManSavage stories with @itsBayleyWWE @WWEGraves & @SeanMooneyWho Don’t miss the new #MachMAN dvd coming soon from #WWE @WWE @DDPYoga #OooooohYeaaaaah
— Diamond Dallas Page (@RealDDP) February 21, 2018
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