Randy Orton draws criticism after his comments about the Parkland school shooting

Randy Orton has his take on the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida. Some of his fans agree with him but it seems like the majority of his Instagram followers are not on the same page with him.

Orton posted a graphic on his account that implied that there’s so much violence in schools because God is not allowed. Later, a fan commented “Just throw some thoughts and prayers at it Randy, I’m sure it’ll turn out fine.”

Orton responded, “it would help. But what really needs to be done is every school have cameras in classrooms and an armed guard former special forces somebody who can put a bullet between the kids eyes before so many lives are lost. If these kids are told to huddle together in a group on the floor when an intruder comes and shoots up their school, shouldn’t they be able to pray with each other too?”

Pro Wrestling Sheet’s Ryan Satin posted screenshots of Orton’s original post and his comment. You can see both of them below or scroll down to be taken directly to Orton’s Instagram page. The Instagram was also posted on Orton’s Twitter and then retweeted by AJ Styles.



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