Scott Hall insults two WWE legends and sparks major backlash in the process

You never know what Scott Hall is going to say and do next. You need to be careful what you put out there a world where all you have to do is type in a message and then in a single moment, the entire world can read what you wrote. This rings especially true when talking about Razor Ramon.

When one fan tweeted “Lex Luger & Davey Boy Smith were everyone a kid from the 90’s wanted as a tag team,” according to Wrestling Inc Scott Hall replied, “You mean failed single wrestlers.”

This was a pretty harsh burn and Scott Hall has since deleted his tweet. But replies from The British Bulldog’s family remains as a shadow of the comment’s impression on the social media landscape.

Smith and/or Luger could very well find themselves in the WWE Hall Of Fame alongside Scott Hall down the line as well. To be honest, “The British Bulldog” Davey Boy Smith and Lex Luger two guys who gave a lot for the pro wrestling business and although there might have been some dark times in both of their lives they should be remembered for everything they were able to accomplish during their time in the ring.

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