Zack Ryder enjoys one last ride with his girlfriend Lauren Van Ness

Nothing beats a classic and Zack Ryder obviously realizes this fact. Progress is always important but unfortunately, it also means sometimes old standards need to be replaced. The French say, “C’est la vie but if you’re a fan of The Great Movie Ride in Disney’s Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World then it’s time to say “goodbye.”

Zack Ryder and his girlfriend GFW Knockout Laurel Van Ness recently wanted to experience a great ride one last time before it was closed for good.

The Great Movie Ride is the last attraction from Disney-MGM Studios’ OG park but soon it will be no more. But the times they are a changin’ and Zack Ryder wanted one final chance to experience an old favorite with LVN. If you’re a fan of The Great Movie Ride then you need to get to Disney World before August 13th when it is due to close for good. It will soon be replaced by Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway and while that sounds fun too, it’s no Great Movie Ride.

These two obviously had a great time and now thanks to the wonderful world of social media this moment is etched in time for them forever.

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