Jim Cornette and Kenny Omega fire some serious shots on Twitter

There are few people in the wonderful world of professional wrestling who are more outspoken than Jim Cornette. In all honesty, it has been a blessing and a curse for Corney. Being such a wordsmith and controversial figure helped launch him to fame alongside the Midnight Express, but at the same time it can also occasionally get him into a little bit of trouble.

Jim Cornette is not a fan of Kenny Omega. I know, a lot of people are but if that makes you sour on Cornette then you must not listen to his podcasts because Jim bashes Omega and other contemporaries of his when ever he gets the chance.

Cornette recently sent a tweet Kenny Omega’s direction and it appears as though he struck a nerve. The Cleaner responded to the famous wrestling manager asking him to refrain from tagging him in posts if he’s just going to bury him. Omega simply said with the G1 coming up he doesn’t need trolls polluting his timeline. It was a reasonable request.

Never one to leave well enough alone, Cornette kept it up by calling Omega’s fans idiots. He also said Kenny “polluted my eyeballs” with his in-ring antics such as wrestling blow-up dolls and children.

Cornette better watch out before Kenny files a restraining order on him because the last thing he needs is another one of those. Besides, can’t we all just get along?

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