The fact of the matter is that the more riled up Cody Rhodes can get a crowd, the better he’s doing as a heel. But there is always a line that shouldn’t be crossed. In the old days, big time heels like Jim Cornette had to carry tennis racquets to swat away the mass of angry fans, but in 2018 there are laws against whacking crazed fans with sports equipment.
Cody Rhodes recently made a request to the fans which is very simple and not too much to ask really. He asked for fans to not jump the barricade, no matter how angry they get at him.
It never ends well for someone trying to jump the barricade unless it’s part of the show. But when fans do it, things are usually ended very quickly for the over-enthusiastic spectators.
Odds are if Cody is in the right mood he would take a fan out so it’s probably in everybody’s best interest that fans stay on their side of the barricade while the Grandson Of A Plumber is doing his thing.
Hate that I have to say this
but no matter how angry you guys get with me, please don't ever jump the barricade.
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) February 18, 2018
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