Matt Hardy says his mind is fully “Woke” in latest ominous tweet

Matt Hardy is at it again. Nobody really knows what is happening with the Hardys, but by the sounds of things it’s going to awesome. Fans really want to see the Broken Universe on WWE television, but things might be changing already for the Hardys because they just woke up.

Since Anthem Sports won’t let go of the Broken gimmick (even though they’re not doing anything with it) WWE and the Hardys might just play a game with the English language and pick another word that rhymes with “Broken” and dub them “The Woken Hardys.” If you’re rolling your eyes at the idea then just look forward for a moment because that might be the direction they’re headed.

We’re not saying WWE will go as far to have Matt yell “edit, edit, edit” as he throws his arm across his body in that signature taunting motion, but it’s always possible.

Woke is the past tense of the word “woken” which is apparently what just happened to the Hardys on Raw. One thing is for sure, if Anthem Sports doesn’t wake up soon and give Matt and Jeff the gimmick they created then they might not need to take anyone to court because WWE will just use the gimmick with another word that sounds similar.

So, are you ready for Woken Matt and Hermano Nero? Because we sure are!

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