NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III results: Authors Of Pain vs. SaNITy – NXT Tag Team Championship

Corey Graves joined the commentary team during this match. He got an unreal reaction and deservedly so. Mauro Ranallo and Corey Graves are such a great team it makes us wonder if they could just swap Ranallo for Michael Cole.

Everyone in this match was totally scary. Authors Of Pain have done nothing but dominate since making their NXT debut and with Paul Ellering by their side, there was plenty of knowledge at this young team’s disposal. SaNITy was ready to represent though and didn’t roll into Brooklyn without the intention of leaving as NXT Tag Team Champions.

AOP jumped SaNITy before the bell rang and these guys brawled for a bit before the opening bell even rang to start the match. But once the match actually started nothing changed in regards to the brutality. Eric Young jumped up and replaced Killian Dane before he was tagged in which is legal apparently.

There was a point when everything in this match looked like it really hurt. Okay, let’s be honest… everything looked like it hurt. Alexander Wolfe is so entertaining and vicious and Eric Young is amazing. But AOP is equally impressive as this young team continued to show they have an incredible future in WWE.

These two teams had an incredibly intense match but when all was said and done both Young and Wolfe hit dives allowing Nikki Cross to try one herself. Akam caught her but he wasn’t counting on Killian Dane hitting him with a sick cross body through a table (while Akam was holding Nikki Cross).

SaNITy hit their double team finisher and pinned Rezar for the win.

Winner and New NXT Tag Team Champions: SaNITy

After the match, Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly jumped SaNITy… reDRagon is in NXT and they made a huge statement by leaving the new NXT Tag Team Champions laid out in the ring.

Click here for complete NXT Takeover: Brooklyn III results.

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