Roman Reigns issues statement on recent claim made about him by alleged steroid dealer Richard Rodriguez

The claims by Richard Rodriguez have been picked up by several mainstream media outlets. As we noted earlier, Rodriguez claimed in a documentary that Roman Reigns was one of his clients. Mark Wahlberg and Josh Duhamel were also named.

We reached out to get a statement on the claims.

The following statement was issued to us:

“I have never heard of Richard Rodriguez or Wellness Fitness Nutrition. I learned from the mistake I made nearly two years ago and paid the penalty for it. Since then, I’ve passed 11 tests as part of WWE’s independent drug testing program.” -Joe Anoa`i (aka Roman Reigns)”

Rodriguez was alleged to have been part of a steroid ring that was operated out of his “Iron Addicts” gym in Miami. He was jailed after his gym was raided in February 2017. The claims made by him in the documentary were made from his jail cell. Rodriguez never gave a timeframe and there is no documentation that is publicly available (that I am aware of) to back up his claims.

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