SPOILER: Ex-Impact Wrestling star could be a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble

The Renegade Wrestling Revolution promotion in Houston, TX has announced that EC3 will not be appearing on their show that takes place on Sunday, January 28.

I think most of you that are reading this know that EC3 is headed to WWE. The interesting thing about this cancellation is that the RWR show is scheduled to take place on the same day as the Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Most of the new signees go through NXT but there have been some exceptions, most notably when AJ Styles made his debut a couple of years ago in the Royal Rumble.

Perhaps this is all just a coincidence but this will not stop fan speculation about EC3 possibly being introduced as a surprise entrant.

Here is the full statement from Renegade Wrestling Revolution:

“BREAKING NEWS!!!!!! Do to reasons out of RWR control EC3 will not be able to attend RWR “OVER THE TOP”. EC3 has said he will be back to RWR in the near future. We here at RWR wish EC3 the best and will see him soon. But the show must go on so straight from the office of RWR a new main event has been set Champion Ayden Cristiano will now have defend his title verus not 1, not 2, but 3 of the regions top Heavywieghts. So on January 28th at RWR “OVER THE TOP” you will see Ayden Cristiano vs Able Andrew Jackson vs Big Daddy Yum Yum vs Ryan Davidson. Plus so much more. Check out our new flyer to get all the information”


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