Sunny calls Joey Ryan a liar in online rant against intergender wrestling

When you’re in the WWE Hall of Fame a lot of people might go to you for words of wisdom. As it turns out, Sunny aka Tammy Lynn Sytch has a pretty honest opinion and isn’t afraid of telling people what she thinks either.

Sunny recently unloaded on Candice LeRae while throwing Bayley under the bus in the process calling them both ugly and in need of plastic surgery. But she set her target on more than just one victim when she recently took to social media.

In a brutal social media post via Facebook, Sunny unloaded about the idea of intergender matches when she said, “they are the most ridiculous stupid absurd most damaging thing to can ever happen to our business. That’s why it’s all going to sh*t in a handbasket so fast. Anyone who supports this should bury themselves alive.”

Joey Ryan made a pretty good amount of money touring the world in 2017 while doing intergender matches. But his claims that he made around $200,000 last year were quickly refuted by Sunny as she not only called Ryan a liar but also said that all pro wrestlers are prone to lie as well.

“Don’t you all realize that wrestling is a work and all wrestlers lie and exaggerate? I highly doubt he makes anywhere close to that. There is no money on the indies scene especially for someone who is 5’4 and never made it to the big show. And no. TNA is NOT the big show. You’re forgetting who you’re talking to here. I’ve been around for 28 years.”

It would be interesting if intergender wrestling was as popular then as it is now so Sunny could have made a lot of money wrestling men. But as it turns out she never got the chance so she can only look at how the business has changed and comment about it.

Whether you believe Sunny or Joey Ryan, this is probably an argument which will continue as the debate carries on about intergender wrestling. But Sunny needs to probably pay attention to the flourishing indie wrestling scene a little bit better before she really starts commenting on how little money there is to be made out there.

Meanwhile, in case you’re wondering Joey Ryan’s 2018 is doing just fine so far.

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