Airline loses William Regal’s bags and then loses them again

When you’re in the pro wrestling business traveling is a big part of your life. The entire NXT roster was subject to a travel nightmare when they were delayed before a TakeOver show last year and Xavier Woods has documented a few of his airport ordeals in the past as well.

Naturally, a guy like William Regal travels a lot and he recently encountered a mini-travel nightmare en route to work at a signing convention in New York.

But good news for Regal, the airline found his luggage… then they sent it to the wrong airport. So essentially they’re just keeping keep away with the NXT GM and his belongings at this point.

Let’s hope Regal actually gets his bag back sooner than later. In the meantime, Regal isn’t sweating it because he’ll just be going casual giving fans at the convention a rare opportunity for a photo-op with a casual William Regal.

Drew Gulak took this opportunity to have a bit of fun at Regal’s expense with an outstanding Pulp Fiction reference that works on so many levels.

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