Former Cruiserweight Champion announces plans to retire amidst controversy

It looked like Rich Swann was going to be able to pick up and start working dates right away after his WWE release and he even secured some bookings during WrestleMania weekend. But apparently, there is some growing frustration for the former WWE Cruiserweight Champion.

Swann tweeted out earlier this week making some remarks which could lead some to believe he’s having trouble getting bookings due to the charges which were dismissed that caused his WWE suspension. Apparently, Swann was noticing some discrepancies between what people were saying and who they were booking other than him.

Swann could be referencing Nick Gage by that “bank robber” line because Gage pled guilty to second-degree bank robbery in 2010 and was sentenced to a five-year prison sentence. Now Nick Gage is currently getting bookings on the indie wrestling scene and doing quite well for himself in that regard which is great for him. But Swann could have interpreted a double standard.

If anything, Nick Gage certainly recognized the correlation between his circumstance and Rich Swann’s tweet as he soon responded.

Swann then tweeted once more early on Thursday morning alluding to the fact that he will be retiring when he fulfills the dates currently on his calendar. It was a pretty straight-forward statement, to be honest where he went on to thank people for taking a chance on his name.

It was reported in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter that Rich Swann was indeed backstage at the recent Lucha Underground tapings. Therefore, his “thank you for taking a chance on my name” comment could always mean he plans on debuting under a new alias for LU. However, you can never tell with this kind of thing until he officially starts turning down bookings stating he’s retired.

Only time will tell what is really going on in this situation but it should be remembered that all charges against Swann were dismissed. Still, the stigma in a social setting and the context of getting booked for shows might be strong enough for Swann to reconsider his career path. It’s also not doing him any favors with Nick Gage.

It is an unfortunate situation for Rich Swann because it will be very hard to shake an accusation like this. After all, when you Google Swann’s name the first image that comes up on the side of your browser is his mugshot whereas Nick Gage’s Google result just makes him look like a tough-as-nails pro wrestler.

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