Luke Harper Talks About His New Movie, Origins Of Bludgeon Brothers and His Dirty Wyatt Family T-Shirt

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All Week In Review had a chance to talk to WWE Superstar Luke Harper. Jonathan Huber is in a new movie called Mohawk which is out now on iTunes and Amazon.

Some highlights;

On His New Movie Mohawk:  I think that this a period piece that is not your typical good guy’s bad guys, white man chasing native American story. It is a relevant story to what’s happening in today’s world and it is a thought-provoking piece that will make you wonder who’s good and who’s bad.

His Knee Brace In The Film: So that was written into the movie before they even sought me out. So when we did the interview, he was like; hey the character in the movie has a knee brace, would that deter you at all? And I was like, here’s the thing, I have a knee brace on right now because I am rehabbing. So, no it is actually fine. And so he’s like, we need you to limp, and I said yeah, yeah no problem.

The Origins of The Bludgeon Brothers: That came about with me and Roman being frustrated with sitting backstage. Meeting with Vince and brainstorming to the point that this was born. And basically, when he told us we could carry giant mallets around, we said sold!

His Wyatt Family Dirty Tank Top: If you’re a fan of Indie wrestling at all, you can go back to I think 2007/2008 and you can see me wrestle CHIKARA. And you can see me wrestle in a tank top and you can see me wrestle in a tank top that doesn’t look like the one I have in WWE. But it’s the same one….

People don’t believe me. I have three tank tops which I wrung terribly, fixed them many times. I had people rip them in the ring and swear at them and I’d fix them. And they’re hanging in my closet now.

TheMark: So they’re the same ones, never washed … never…

Jonathan: …always washed

TheMark: … always washed?

Jonathan: But that’s what they look like now…

TheMark: Ooh! Wow! Okay!

Jonathan: Yeah. So back in CHIKARA, I used to have to wipe the floors with them to get them to fall apart and eventually after so many washes the color would just stick, and I kept them. So a lot of people don’t believe me but it’s very true. Ask, my wife she is not happy about it.

You can listen or read the full All Week In Review  interview on

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