Tyler Breeze teaches a lesson in manners when meeting pro wrestlers

Pro wrestlers are people too. Just because they perform for the masses and put their bodies on the line to entertain legions of captivated fans doesn’t mean there aren’t actual human beings behind those over-the-top characters.

Some people might see a pro wrestler in public and expect for them to be in character or think the wrestler owes them something for being a fan. While your fandom is appreciated it’s always a good idea to approach the situation with kindness if you want the most out of your interaction with a pro wrestler. In fact, that probably rings true with all interactions with human beings.

Fans today should see it as lucky because in the old days someone might get pushed aside if they approached the wrong wrestler because it was very important to never break kayfabe in public.

Tyler Breeze apparently recently had an interaction with a fan that wasn’t so delightful. It must have been a bad one too because Prince Pretty felt moved to give a lesson on etiquette via Twitter.

So please take Tyler’s words to heart and if you ever meet a pro wrestler be polite, thank them for what they do, and then ask for an autograph or photo. It’s never a good idea to demand things from anyone, especially someone who could probably beat you in a shoot fight.

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